Below the externally (extra-budgetary) funded projects are listed wherein at least one employee of the Laboratory is presently involved

Project title: Semiconductor/fluoride structures on Si for 2D electronics (Гетероструктуры 2D-полупроводник/фторид на кремнии для наноэлектроники)
Sponsoring agency: RFBR + FWF (РФФИ, совместно с FWF Австрия)
Project number: 21-52-14007 АНФ_а
Project period: 2021–2024
Participants from the Lab: N. V. Glebova, Yu. Yu. Illarionov, M. I. Vexler (leader of the Russian side)
Further participants: seven colleagues from another Lab at the Ioffe Institute (Lab for Solid State Spectroscopy) + the partners from Vienna Institute of Technology (Inst. for Microelectronics), Austria

Project title: Chemically stabilized electrodes for electrochemical energy converters (Химически стабилизированные электроды для электрохимических преобразователей энергии)
Sponsoring agency: RSF (РНФ)
Project number: 22-73-00263
Project period: 2022–2024
Participants from the Lab: A. G. Kastsova, A. O. Krasnova (project leader), A. O. Pelageikina
Further participants: none

Project title: : Проведение фундаментальных исследований методов генерации мощных импульсов напряжения нано и субнаносекундного диапазона
Sponsoring agency: Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (Минобрнауки РФ)
Project number: 075-15-2020-790
Project period: 2020-2023 (maybe -2024)
Participants from the Lab: E. I. Belyakova, V. O. Bolshakov, M. N. Cherenev, A. F. Kardo-Sysoev, A. G. Lyublinsky, E. M. Mikhaylov, A. V. Parfeneva, M. I. Vexler (project leader from the Ioffe Inst.), V. B. Voronkov, Sh. A. Yusupova
Further participants: two colleagues from another Lab at the Ioffe Institute (Sector for Theoretical Bases of Microelectronics) + two to three colleagues from the LETI University, St. Petersburg + colleagues from three more research institutes in Russia (head project organization is the Lebedev Inst., Moscow)

Project title: Generation of electron-hole plasma by collapsing Gunn domains in high-voltage GaAs diodes (Генерация электронно-дырочной плазмы коллапсирующими доменами Ганна в высоковольтных арсенид-галлиевых диодах)
Sponsoring agency: RSF (РНФ)
Project number: 23-22-00239
Project period: 2023–2024
Participants from the Lab: М. S. Ivanov, P. B. Rodin (project leader), A. V. Rozhkov, A. S. Slobodnyuk
Further participants: none

Project title: Plasmon-induced highly censitive optical sensor based on unique endotaxial nanoparticles (Ag, Au) in Silicon (Плазмонно-индуцированный высокочувствительный оптический сенсор на основе уникальных эндотаксиальных наночастиц (Ag, Au) в кремнии).
Sponsoring agency: RSF (РНФ)
Project number: 24-22-00334
Project period: 2024–2025
Participants from the Lab: A. A. Ermina, S. A. Grudinkin, K. V. Prigoda, Yu. A. Zharova (project leader)
Further participants: none