About Laboratory

Activities in the laboratory are focused on the basic and applied research of power semiconductor devices, as well as on some other topics of the condensed-matter physics. The laboratory belongs to the Solid-State Electronics (SSE) Division of the Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS).

Jobs, practica / Вакансии:

Information for students, for postdocs, for technicians seeking employment or practica place

Top scientific consultant:

Grekhov, Igor Vsevolodovich (Prof., Dr.Sci., Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences)

Head of the Laboratory

Vexler, Mikhail Isaacovich (Dr.Sci., Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences)

Deputy Head of the Laboratory

Saydashev, Ibragim Ibragimovich (Ph.D.)


Mayorova, Angelika Vladimirovna

Location of the Laboratory:

Ioffe Institute, building A, 6-th floor, partially 8-th floor, main building room 129/1.


(S. also: some of the former colleagues and retro photos)

The founder of the laboratory Professor Vladimir M. Tuchkevich had been working at the Physical-Technical Institute during several decades. Since 1949 he was a leader of the semiconductor electronics sector in the laboratory headed by Prof. Dmitry Nasledov. From 1953, that sector gradually tended toward power electronics (s. article in Physics-Uspekhi, therein pp. 150-151).

In 1958, Prof. Tuchkevich’s sector was separated into an independent unit for first times interchangeably classified as “autonomous sector” or “laboratory”, later only as “laboratory”. Henceforth, traditionally, its research activities are primarily focused on the solid-state power and pulse devices although other directions are also represented.

Igor Grekhov, a future successor of Prof. Tuchkevich and academician, joined the laboratory in 1962 after several career years in the industry. From early 1960s, he became one of the principal members of the team (led by V.M. Tuchkevich) whose work provided a basis for establishing the high current semiconductor device components industry in the USSR. This allowed a drastic reduction of energy consumption in power supply applications.

The research efforts resulted in invention of the new-type high-voltage pulse power semiconductor devices covering the duration range of the switched electric pulses from hundreds microseconds to dozens of picoseconds. These devices have found numerous applications for power lasers, accelerators, wide-band radar engineering and many other research and industrial technologies.

The major silicon devices developed at the laboratory are:

– reversely switched dynistors (RSD), microsecond range;

– drift step recovery diodes (RSRD), nanosecond range;

– silicon avalanche sharpening diodes (SAS), subnanosecond range;

– field-controlled integrated thyristors, microsecond range.

Apart from Si devices, the laboratory is performing research and development of the SiC high-voltage and pulse power devices.

Other topics of solid-state physics such as high temperature superconductivity, ferroelectric (PZT) memories, tunneling MOS structures, optoelectronics of porous Si were also studied in the laboratory.


Grekhov, Igor Vsevolodovich

Dr.Sci., Prof., Acad.RAS,
principal researcher, top scientific consultant


Vexler, Mikhail Isaacovich

Dr.Sci., Prof. RAS,
principal researcher, lab head


subject of responsibility / предмет ответственностиname of the responsible colleague / ФИО ответственного
seminar chairman / председатель семинараVexler Mikhail Isaacovich / Векслер Михаил Исаакович
seminar secretary / секретарь семинараGorbatyuk Andrey Vasilyevich /Горбатюк Андрей Васильевич
trade union rep / профоргZharova Yuliya Alexandrovna / Жарова Юлия Александровна
fire safety / пожарная безопасность Mayorova Angelika Vladimirovna /Майорова Анжелика Владимировна
labor protection / охрана трудаZharova Yuliya Alexandrovna / Жарова Юлия Александровна
electrical equipment / электрохозяйствоSilin Boris Mikhaylovich / Силин Борис Михайлович
gas cylinders / газовые баллоныCherenev, Maksim Nikolaevich / Черенёв Максим Николаевич
chemical reagents / химреактивы Parfeneva, Alesya Vitaljevna /Парфеньева Алеся Витальевна
financially responsible person / материально ответственное лицоVexler Mikhail Isaacovich / Векслер Михаил Исаакович
labsite actualization / ведение сайтаBespalova Lyubov Sergeyevna / Беспалова Любовь Сергеевна

Laboratory of Power Semiconductor Devices (LPSD)

Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute

E-mail: vexler@mail.ioffe.ru